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School: General Information and Academic Administration


School Profile

Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Muhammadiyah 3 Banjarmasin


    SMK 3 is an of educational institution specifically designed to provide vocational education. Vocational education is sometimes referred to as career education or technical education. It provides students the necessary knowledge and skills for employment. It prepares them to work in various jobs such as accountancy, technician, banking and etc. It is a senior vocational high school located at Jl. Mangga III No. 48 RT 22 Banjarmasin Timur, Kota Banjarmasin, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan 70236 Indonesia.


The realization of work-ready mentality, ready for entrepreneurship, ready for college, ready to master technology, honest, disciplined, moral and based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah.



1.  Continuous creative and innovative activities

2.  Providing the best service & guidance to students continuously

3.  Applying a culture of shame (shame of not being disciplined, ashamed of being dishonest, ashamed of not mastering technology & embarrassment not based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah in every action.

  • AIM

Produce graduates who are virtuous and competitive




In an effort to improve the PBM (Teaching and Learning Process) as well as efforts to improve the status of national standard schools, then for the 2013/2014 school year a work program was prepared which included: 

1. Routine Program 
2. Short term program 
3. Long term program



         > Routine Program


1. Implement regulations and instructions from superiors optimally that are tailored to school conditions.

2. Following official meetings held by the Education Office, MKK S , FK2SM ,   Other foundations and agencies.

3. Establish personnel in determining the organizational structure of the school

4. Organize a working meeting with the Wakasek, Head of the Program, Homeroom teacher, teaching staff and administration.

5. Increasing and completing school data as supporting education.

6. Appoint the committee in each activity (if needed)

7. Carry out the Exam

8. New Student Admission (PSB)


          > Short Term Program


  1. The management of the school based on togetherness and openness

  2. ASRI structuring school environments (Safe, Healthy, Neat, Lovely) both indoors and outdoors late.

  3. Men discipline staff educators, and education , and students

  4. Complete student learning facilities both in class, in computer laboratories, or in libraries.

  5. Looking for help to improve school facilities both from government and private institutions.

  6. Publish school .

  7. Strengthen and enhance relations with Muhmmadiyah Management both Branch Level, Regional Level, Regional Level, and Central Level if possible.

  8. Expanding relationships with other schools and the industry / business world.

  9. Collaborating with certain parties in the field of student / teacher training .

  10. Improve cooperation in the field of fostering students with parents / guardians and other parties.

  11. Expanding and improving knowledge, teachers, staff and students through upgrading, industry internships. as well as industry visits and study tours.

  12. Hold a question bank for each study area.

  13. Improve administrative arrangements and school data.

  14. Sending students to industries / companies / agencies for Prakerin activities.

  15. Planning alumni meetings to accommodate input in efforts to increase graduates and search for alumni.

  16. Creating a Business Work Center same as the world of industry / business world.

  17. Assist the Foundation in every activity.

  18. Every acceptance of new teacher / mutation teacher can be approved by the Branch Manager / Dikdasmen .

  19. In the management of school assistance both the form of self-managed RKB / Rehab involves foundations and teachers.


          > Long Term Program


1. Assist the Foundation in the context of developing education and school independence

2. Helping the community and government in the field of education.

3. Increased collaboration with the luminaries of the Muhammadiyah 3 Vocational School in Banjarmasin who had worked

4. Increase cooperation with agencies, associations in organizing training

5. Increase community service activities.

6. Improve educational facilities and practices.

7. Develop a Business Center .

8. Expanding cooperation with the business world / industrial world for work placement of students who have graduated.

9. Improve the implementation of graduate tracking.

10. Preparing schools with National / International standard status.

11. Develop a new expertise / school program (if needed).





1. Computer and Network Engineering

2. Multimedia

3. Accounting

4. Electric Power Generation Techniques

5. Office Administration

6. Television Production and Broadcast Programs

7. Banking and Micro Finance

8. Travel Unit

Academic Support System

Academic Support System

  • The school implements the needs of relevant learning and teaching facility to support the learning process of the students such as the library and the computer laboratory.

  • The teachers are using varied instructional strategies to suit the needs of the students that will promote an effective teaching and learning process. They are implementing a student-centered approach to put students' interests’ first, acknowledging student voice as central to the learning experience. They commonly used collaborative and problem-solving activities. It moves students from passive receivers of information to active participants in their own discovery process. However, the teachers are also using the traditional methods such as the discussion and direct learning method which situates the teacher as the primarily "active" role but often incorporate the use of models and illustrations.

  • SMK 3 teachers identify academic support strategies which have potential to provide assistance to struggling students as well as to prevent academic problems from developing. Strategies such as academic mentoring which is a way that at-risk students can obtain assistance to improve their academic functioning. In this strategy, students work one-on-one with a mentor who builds a relationship with the student and provides them with supplemental enrichment activities to build their academic self-esteem, motivation, and self-efficacy to enable them to achieve academically.

Teaching System

  • The school week in SMK Muhammadiyah 3 starts from Monday to Friday, around 40 hours per week.   The regular class starts at 7:30AM until 3:40PM. The duration of each class depends on the subject. It must meet the standard time allocated based on the curriculum structure of the school.

Materials and other Learning Sources

Teachers and students commonly used the following materials for teaching and learning process:

  • Textbooks, Student worksheet books, enrichment module, videos, recordings, whiteboards

  • Technology (computers, laptop, speaker, LCD projector)

  • Computer software, Internet for online sources

Learning sources/Facilities include:

  • Library

  • Computer laboratory

  • Sports facilities such as football field

Measurement and Evaluation System

Measurement and Evaluation System

      SMK 3 uses the two ways to evaluate the students’ learning. First is the formative assessment which is used during the learning process. Its goal is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by the teachers to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning. Second is the summative assessment which is generally administered at the end of a unit or course. It is used to assess whether the results of the teaching and learning process being evaluated met the stated goals.


      SMK 3 adapted the new curriculum which is the 2013 curriculum implemented by the government or the Ministry of Education and Culture. It is a form of integrated work between reconstruction of passing grade competence, suitability and adequacy, expansion, advancement of the materials, learning revolution and evaluation reform. The objectives of in 2013 curriculum are to prepare the Indonesian to have the ability as individuals and citizens who believe, productive, creative, innovative, and affective and able to contribute to society, nation, state, and world civilization (Samparona, 2014). The main purpose of this curriculum is to shape the individuals who are faithful in God, good in characters, confident, successful in learning, responsible citizens and positive contributors to the civilization (Ministry of Education and Cultures, 2012).


Teaching Plan

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